Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What paperwork must an organization have on file with Student Life? Student Life requires three (3) pieces of information to be updated and on file:
Registration form on Engage: this provides a current list of officers, advisor, and contact information.
Constitution: this allows the Student Life to have the latest version on file so there is one consistent place for the most current copy. All constitutions need to be updated with the Office of Student Activities every two years. If you are not sure if the constitution is up to date, please contact
Membership Roster
What is my liability/risk associated with being a club/organization advisor? Can I personally be held responsible if something should happen with my group?
The simple answer is no, you will not be held personally responsible as long as you advise/guide in a manner consistent with common sense and follow Florida Tech and Student Life policies and procedures. You and the group need to learn the information on Florida Tech Engage and ask questions if you don't understand something! This website may not include everything, so you need to ask questions!
All employees of Florida Tech are covered by institutional liability insurance as long as they work within their job description - and advising a Florida Tech club/organization falls within many job descriptions (e.g. service to the community if not explicitly stated). You need to understand that you could be held responsible if you know of any illegal activity or activities that are not in line with the Student Handbook and choose to do nothing about this.
Additionally, following Florida Tech procedures, following state and federal laws (e.g., hazing is illegal, drinking age), and using common sense go a long way in reducing your risk.
How does my group go about getting funding? Who is eligible for student activity fee funds?
The Student Activities Funding Committee allocates student activity fee funds to clubs and organizations on campus. They annually allocate over $250,000 a year for events sponsored by Florida Tech groups. Please see the Student Organization Manual for more specific information on the process and who is eligible for funds.
Who can be an advisor?
Any Florida Tech faculty or staff member can be an advisor to a club or organization. Off-campus people are not allowed to advise Florida Tech clubs/organizations for many reasons: knowledge of the campuses and policies, insurance/risk management issues, and building a stronger campus community are just a few of these reasons. It is important to note that all clubs/organizations are required to have an advisor.
My group wants to plan an event, what should they do?
Student Life has many resources available for programming events. Staff that can assist in the planning process or visit the programming information on our website. Our staff is here to help students plan successful events whether they are small activities or large events. It is very important to note that if outside speakers/performers/etc. are going to be used, that you advise the officers to work with Student Life on contracts. Students nor advisors may not sign contracts.
Who do I contact for questions?
Contact Student Life at